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"We have taken all three of our dogs to K9U over the last couple years and Allison (and her assistant Sophie) did an INCREDIBLE job. All three dogs had both the on leash and off leash training and the results were night and day each time. Each of our dogs had unique challenges that K9U was able to address and work through as well. K9U also spends a great deal of time explaining the process to you and gives you the tools to succeed going forward. They genuinely care about your dog and their success as well.

We’re so happy that we can go on walks and take our dogs out in public with the skills K9U taught the dogs (and us). It’s such a worthwhile investment and we HIGHLY recommend K9U; it’s leaps and bounds better than any sort of big box store training program!!!"


- Kevin M.

5/5 PAWS

5/5 PAWS

"Allison is amazing! My dog Zoey does not like strangers and prefers they stay out of her personal bubble until she's ready. She was with Allison for 2 weeks and it's made a huge difference. We actually went to Home Depot this weekend when the weather was nice and it was packed. Zoey did awesome! Allison really talks you through everything she worked on and makes sure you're also feeling confident in your dog. We both feed off each other for sure! Zoey still doesn't like strangers but that's okay with me. What I wanted was for her to be able to just be around people and not freak out. And we got that thanks to Allison!

Besides helping with reactivity, Zoey's mindset is much better. She was never that crazy dog but she knows when it's time to play and when it's time to just relax and enjoy life around you. I would recommend anyone to Allison!"


-Lisa W.


"WONDERFUL PLACE AND PEOPLE!! Allison is so calm and ready to help.. I had a amazing experience !!!"


- Jamie K.

5/5 PAWS

"We brought our 10-month-old labradoodle to K9U for the two week board and train. Our biggest hopes for the training was Walter would learn to come when he was called, not jump on people, and listen better when walking on a leash. I would sometimes dread walking him because he would get nippy with me, pull me (I am 5’3” and he is a 60lbs. pup with no impulse control), sniff every leaf/rock/snowflake/twig he could find, and wanted to say “hi” to EVERY person or creature along the way. Basically he was a puppy, doing all the puppy things.

When we went to pick him up after two weeks, I could NOT BELIEVE his transformation! I told Allison she must have magic powers! Even the vet tech has complimented us on how well he is trained and how easy he is to manage (that was not the case before ). He is still our goofy, sociable, love-bug, but Allison gave us the communication tools and foundation skills we needed to have a happy, safe life with our Walter boy. Our bond with Walter is stronger and it feels so wonderful to have the confidence in him (and ourselves) with this training. I look forward to many long walks together This was honestly the best investment we could have made for us and him. Thank you, Allison!"


- Lauren R.

5/5 PAWS

"I decided to go with Allison and K9U after seeing results with my sister puppy. Allison did a consultant with me and my 3 year old pit bull mix who was an absolute sweet heart at home and with me but was afraid of everything and everyone. So we jumped in to behavioral training and the world of difference with my pit mix Collins is simply put "something I never thought was possible" she has blown my expectations out of the water and under schedule! I wouldn't recommend anyone else if you are looking for a trainer she is and should be everyone's go to! Allison will be my forever go to for my training needs. Collins says thank you for all the confidence and ability to deal with all of the new situations he will be delt and new friends he can make!"


- Thomas S.

5/5 PAWS

"When we decided to go with K9U, it was literally our last resort and frankly Baxter’s last chance. He was extremely reactive, scared of everyone and everything to the point we had him on medication. We were very fearful of his resource guarding and couldn’t chance him being around anyone. After meeting with Allison, I had some hope but I was very cautiously optimistic due to his behavior issues. Allison suggested a 5 week minimum behavioral and we went for it, and let me tell you, they delivered and it was the best decision! Allison and Sophie did more for B(his new nickname) than I ever imagined possible. He has impulse control, responds to commands like never before, is able to work through stressful situations, and the list of successes goes on. It’s truly an unbelievable transformation and we couldn’t be more grateful to Allison and Sophie! B is so much happier and so are we now that we can enjoy him instead of fear him. As Allison stated he isn’t perfect but who is. I like to say he is perfectly imperfect now and I couldn’t have asked for more!

I WHOLE HEARTEDLY RECOMMEND K9U, they truly care about the dogs they train and want to make sure the transition home is a success. The results are AMAZING and I would recommend K9U to anyone looking for a better relationship with their fur babies, they will deliver beyond expectations no doubt!

Thank you K9U for making B the best possible version of himself!"


- Ryan M.

5/5 PAWS

"Our puppy Boots was enrolled in the Advanced ON and OFF leash obedience day training. Our expectations were blown away after Day One. As the training progressed we continued to be amazed at the progress Boots/Allison were making. Our pup is now a K9U graduate with Allison and it was bittersweet. The relationship and bond we have been able to create with Boots is something I never even thought possible. For that, we are forever grateful to K9U. Allison and her training process is a GAME CHANGER. Not only is she great and patient with the dogs, but she is SO helpful and patient with teaching us humans too! If we had a question or were struggling with a command or exercise, Allison was VERY quick to respond with helpful hints or things to try. I HIGHLY recommend K9University for ANY of your dog’s training needs...young or old! Thanks again Allison, we are so proud of Boots and what you helped her accomplish."


- Crystal L.

5/5 PAWS

"What would I do without Allison?? Confessions of a well meaning but mediocre dog owner... I’m bad at this. I work a lot, I’m over indulgent, I’m too lax, oh I could go on... Allison has been a godsend! When I got my puppy, I saw a colleague’s post about her experience with Allison. I was thrilled to have a contact! Then I brought my 10 year old lady Gabby (obviously different expectations). Then we brought my grandma’s puppy Willow. We love Allison! During training she sent adorable pupdates and whenever I feel stuck she lets me come back for refresher courses. She’s always responsive and offers suggestions without criticism and endless support. Penny is trained, but I’m a work in progress!"


- Lauren L.

5/5 PAWS

"We met Allison picking up our puppy Rusty from daycare at Unleashed. She had some very helpful suggestions with nipping/behavior modifications that day. She hit it off with my daughter and dog. She understood that as first time dog owners we wanted to be very hands on as a family but needed the knowledge and tools to do so. We wanted the dog to listen to our 11 year old daughter, so we needed someone willing to work with her. We are very happy with the training we received. Walks are so much fun, and we have a calmer dog that we can entrust in our home. Thank you."


- Jennifer T.

5/5 PAWS

"We adopted our puppy Romeo a few years back, within the next 3 years we sold/bought house, moved in with the in-laws and also had a baby boy. During that time Rome had been second fiddle, we as owners failed to continue his training and encouraging good behaviors. He struggled with his confidence, was very anxious and even had a few outbreaks towards other dogs (which was very unusual/out of character). We know he needed more, and at this point an experienced dog trainer.

We did some research and reached out to Allison, immediately she offered advice and things we could start day one. We then enrolled Romeo into Allison’s 2 week training and I can’t begin to explain the difference. Allison is extremely skilled at what she does and also extremely skilled at training THE OWNERS. We understood that the training she was doing was only as good as our efforts. Her dedication and work ethic is incredible. We received daily texts/videos and emails to show the progress and how capable Romeo was with his learning.

Today, Romeo’s confidence/self assurance has sky rocketed, you can see a much happier dog. Allison implemented all commands and can even enjoy walks with Romeo “off leash” as his confidence continues to grow everyday.

I STRONGLY RECOMMEND Allison and K9U, and honestly cannot thank her enough.

Thank you Allison for bringing our sweet boy Rome back to us."


- Brian M.

5/5 PAWS

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